Slim Devtools

Slim provides a status update logging tool with the main functions as follows

  • More convenient viewing status changes and corresponding Action
  • Quickly switch to a state at a certain moment
  • Download the status value at a certain moment

Installation & Usage

  1. Start development mode (development environment is enabled by default)
  2. Download [slim plugin] in the Chrome Store (
  3. Open the console and switch to the slim tab page. In the development environment with Slim, Devtool will automatically record your status changes.


Devtool is integrated in Slim. If you need to use special processing in frameworks such as Vue or React, here is a demonstration example integrated in vue.


In Slim, a built-in event __SLIM_DEVTOOL_ANSWER__ will be exposed, triggered when you click Revert, and receive the State at the corresponding moment.

We recommend using plugins for integration, listening for __SLIM_DEVTOOL_ANSWER__ in the init hook of Plugin, then triggering Reducer:__SLIM_DEVTOOL_SET__updateState

import Slim from 'slim-store'

let devPlugin = {
    init(store) {
        Slim.on('__SLIM_DEVTOOL_ANSWER__', (state) => {
            store.commit('__SLIM_DEVTOOL_SET__', state)

Last Updated: 2/20/2019, 6:05:34 PM